Brigade Structure

After a 12 month project reviewing the Brigade Management Structure, involving a broad range of research and consultation, the Brigade has adopted a new functional based management structure. The new structure applies a hybrid approach that encapsulates at its core the functional responsibilities of Governance, Performance & Capability, Readiness & Response, Risk & Resilience, Business Services and People & Culture.

These six management positions form the new BMT with the 3rd and 4th Lieutenants no longer forming part of the BMT but are integrated into the structure through the Operations Leadership Team (OLT) headed by the Manager Performance & Capability. The new BMT are now transitioned into their roles and the structure. Each functional manager is now in the process of developing more detailed role descriptors, functional process maps for core activities, identifying planning priorities and budget for each function. These will then be consolidated into a new rolling 3-year Strategic and Annual Plan/Budget for the brigade.

The structure also aligns to the new CFA brigade classification and associated requirements.